Tena the capital of rafting in Ecuador


                                                (35000 people, 530 msl)
Tena is a calm and safe city in which many travelers enjoy a rest before or after jungle tours. For white water sports lovers, kayak or rafting in the nearby rivers is a must. Likewise, Tena is a central point where you can visit several natural attractions like waterfalls, caves, zoo, rafting, kayaking, canyoning, jungle hikes, indigenous communities.
In Tena you can make a central point to enjoy different activities like Jumandy caves, The grand canyon, Blue lagoon,  Latas waterfall, communitarian tourism like  Yanayacu. Additionally, you can continue to near villages like Misahuallí  or Ahuano with multiple Lodges in the border of Napo river.
Tena is considered the capital of rafting in Ecuador. Nearby rivers like Yatunyacu or Jondachi have rapids from II to V level. One of the main characteristic is there are not people upstream and therefore the rivers are clean with water directly from Llanganates national park. From Tena you can book a daytrip half day rafting (90 min rafting, $30-$45) or full day rafting (3 hours rafting, $50-$90). Kayaking in Tena are the same rute for daytrips however, there are more specialised tours for higher levels. Be sure to request certified guide and equipment.
It's cuisine highlights the maito which is a dish prepared with tilapia or chicken cooked with bijao leaves. Its main drink is guayusa tea that you will find in every restaurant. Finally, there are many riverside communities that offer different packages for walking in the jungle, visiting indigenous communities or offering yoga therapies. Around Tena is surrounded by shamans who offer rituals with ayahuasca. If you want to do it, do it with caution.


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